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Publication List:

1. Rowland, L.J. and Strommer, J.N. 1985. Insertion of an unstable element in an intervening sequence of maize Adh1 affects transcription but not processing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:2875-2879. 

2. Rowland, L.J. and Strommer, J.N. 1986. Anaerobic treatment of maize roots affects transcription of Adh1 and transcript stability. Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:3368-3372. 

3. Rowland, L.J. and Strommer, J.N. 1986. Insertion of Robertson's mutator in an exon affects transcript stability. Maize Genetics Coop. Newsletter 60:17. 

4. Rowland, L.J. 1987. Effects of the transposable element Mu on maize chromosome structure and function. University of Georgia. 145 pp. (Dissertation) 

5. Ortiz, D.F., Rowland, L.J., Gregerson, R.C., and Strommer, J.N. 1988. Insertion of Mu into the Shrunken1 gene of maize affects transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of Sh 1 RNA. Mol. Gen. Genet. 214:135-141. 

6. Rowland, L.J., Chen, Y-C., and Chourey, P.S. 1989. Anaerobic treatment alters the cell-specific expression of Adh-1, Sh, and Sus genes in roots of maize seedlings. Mol. Gen. Genet. 218:33-40. 

7. Rowland, L.J., Robertson, D.S., and Strommer, J.N. 1989. Chromosome breakage undetectable in active Mu lines of maize. Genetics 122:205-209. 

8. Rowland, L.J. and Chourey, P.S. 1990. In situ hybridization analysis of sucrose synthase expression in developing kernels of maize. Maydica 35:373-382. 

9. Rowland, L.J. 1990. Susceptibility of blueberry to infection by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. HortScience 25:1659.

10. Rowland, L.J. and Ogden, E.L. 1992. Use of a cytokinin conjugate for efficient shoot regeneration from leaf sections of highbush blueberry. HortScience 27:1127-1129. 

11. Rowland, L.J., Liu, D., Millard, M.M., and Line, M.J. 1992. Magnetic resonance imaging of water in flower buds of blueberry. HortScience 27:339-341. 

12. Levi, A., Rowland, L.J., and Hartung, J.S. 1993. Production of reliable randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers from DNA of woody plants. HortScience 28:1188-1190. 

13. Rowland, L.J. and Nguyen, B. 1993. Use of PEG for purification of DNA from leaf tissue of woody plants. BioTechniques 14:735-736. 

14. Rowland, L.J. and Ogden, E.L. 1993. Efficient shoot regeneration from leaf sections of highbush blueberry suitable for use in Agrobacterium-mediated transformations. Acta Hort. 336:193-197. 

15. Rowland, L.J., Chartisathian, J., Maas, J.L., and Galletta, G.J. 1993. Evidence of a toxin in culture filtrate of Phytophthora fragariae. Acta Hort. 336:115-120. 

16. Rowland, L.J. and Levi, A. 1994. RAPD-based genetic linkage map of blueberry derived from a cross between diploid species (Vaccinium darrowi x V. elliottii). Theor. Appl. Genet. 87:863-868. 

17. Muthalif, M.M. and Rowland, L.J. 1994. Identification of dehydrin-like proteins responsive to chilling in floral buds of blueberry (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus). Plant Physiol. 104:1439-1447. 

18. Levi, A., Rowland, L.J., Galletta, G.J., Martelli, G., and Greco, I. 1994. Identification of strawberry genotypes and evaluation of their genetic relationships using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Advances in Strawberry Research 13:36-39. 

19. Muthalif, M.M. and Rowland, L.J. 1994. Identification of chilling responsive proteins from floral buds of blueberry. Plant Science 101:41-49. 

20. Rowland, L.J., Levi, A., Arora, R., Ogden, E.L., Muthalif, M.M., Vorsa, N., Novy, R.G., and Wisniewski, M.E. 1995. Progress toward identifying markers linked to genes controlling chilling requirement and cold hardiness in blueberry. J. Small Fruit and Viticulture 3:39-52.
Also published 1995 In Gough, R.E. and Korcak, R.F. (eds.). Blueberries: A Century of Research. Food Products Press, Binghamton, NY, pp. 39-52. 

21. Muthalif, M.M. and Rowland, L.J. 1995. The search for chilling-responsive proteins in blueberry continues. J. Small Fruit and Viticulture 3:53-60. 
Also published 1995 In Gough, R.E. and Korcak, R.F. (eds.). Blueberries: A Century of Research. Food Products Press, Binghamton, NY, pp. 53-60. 

22. Arora, R., Wisniewski, M., and Rowland, L.J. 1996. Cold acclimation and alterations in dehydrin-like and bark storage proteins in the leaves of sibling deciduous and evergreen peach. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 121:915-919. 

23. Levi, A. and Rowland, L.J. 1997. Identifying blueberry cultivars and evaluating their genetic relationships using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat- (SSR-) anchored primers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 122:74-78. 

24. Stommel, J.R., Panta, G.R., Levi, A., and Rowland, L.J. 1997. Effects of gelatin and bovine serum albumin on the amplification reaction for generating randomly amplified polymorphic DNA. BioTechniques 22:1064-1066. 
25. Rowland, L.J. and Arora, R. 1997. Proteins related to endodormancy (rest) in woody perennials. Plant Science 126:119-144. 

26. Faust, M., Erez, A., Rowland, L.J., Wang, S.Y., and Norman, H.A. 1997. Bud dormancy in perennial fruit trees: physiological basis for dormancy induction, maintenance, and release. HortScience 32:623-629. 

27. Arora, R., Rowland, L.J., and Panta, G.R. 1997. Chill-responsive dehydrins in blueberry: are they associated with cold hardiness or dormancy transitions? Physiol. Plant. 101:8-16. 

28. Rowland, L.J., Levi, A., and Zimmerman, R.H. 1997. Chromosomal rearrangements not detected in rhododendrons with tissue proliferation disorder. HortScience 32:998-1000. 

29. Vorsa, N. and Rowland, L.J. 1997. Estimation of 2n megagametophyte heterozygosity in a diploid blueberry, V. darrowi Camp, clone using RAPDs. J. of Heredity 88:423-426. 

30. Arora, R., Wisniewski, M.E., and Rowland, L.J. 1997. Low temperature-induced expression of dehydrins in deciduous fruit crops and their relation to cold acclimation and/or dormancy. Acta Hort. 441:175-182. 

31. Arora, R., Rowland, L.J., Panta, G.R., Lim, C-C., Lehman, J.S., and Vorsa, N. 1998. Genetic control of cold hardiness in blueberry. pp. 99-106. In Li, P.H. and Chen, T.H.H. (eds.). Plant Cold Hardiness: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Physiology. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York. 

32. Degani, C., Rowland, L.J., Levi, A., Hortynski, J.A., and Galletta, G.J. 1998. DNA fingerprinting of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cultivars using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Euphytica 102:247-253. 

33. Parmentier, C.M., Rowland, L.J., and Line, M.J. 1998. Water status and release from dormancy in blueberry flower buds. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 123:762-769. 

34. Cao, X., Liu, Q., Rowland, L.J., and Hammerschlag, F.A. 1998. Factors influencing gene transfer efficiency during the early stages of transformation of highbush blueberries. Proc. 8th North American Blueberry Research and Extension Worker's Conference, Cline, W.O. and Ballington, J.R. (eds.), pp. 36-44, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. 

35. Rowland, L.J., Lehman, J.S., Levi, A., Ogden, E.L., and Panta, G.R. 1998. Genetic control of chilling requirement in blueberry. Proc. 8th North American Blueberry Research and Extension Worker's Conference, Cline, W.O. and Ballington, J.R. (eds.), pp. 258-267, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. 

36. Parmentier, C.M., Rowland, L.J., and Line, M.J. 1998. Water status of blueberry flower buds and its relationship to dormancy and cold hardiness. Proc. 8th North American Blueberry Research and Extension Worker's Conference, Cline, W.O. and Ballington, J.R. (eds.), pp. 80-88, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.

37. Panta, G.R. and Rowland, L.J. 1998. Effect of drought and cold stress on blueberry dehydrin expression. Proc. 8th North American Blueberry Research and Extension Worker's Conference, Cline, W.O. and Ballington, J.R. (eds.), pp. 45-52, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. 

38. Cao, X., Liu, Q., Rowland, L.J., and Hammerschlag, F.A. 1998. GUS expression in blueberry (Vaccinium spp.): factors influencing Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer efficiency. Plant Cell Reports 18:266-270. 

39. Levi, A., Panta, G.R., Parmentier, C.M., Muthalif, M.M., Arora, R., Shanker, S., and Rowland, L.J. 1999. Complementary DNA cloning, sequencing, and expression of an unusual dehydrin from blueberry floral buds. Physiol. Plant. 107:98-109. 

40. Rowland, L.J., Ogden, E.L., Arora, R., Lim, C-C., Lehman, J.S., Levi, A., and Panta, G.R. 1999. Use of blueberry to study genetic control of chilling requirement and cold hardiness in woody perennials. Hortscience 34:1185-1191. 

41. Arora, R., Rowland, L.J., Lehman, J.S., Lim, C-C., Panta, G.R., and Vorsa, N. 2000. Genetic analysis of freezing tolerance in blueberry (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus). Theor. Appl. Genet. 100:690-696. 

42. Degani, C., Rowland, L.J., Saunders, J.A., Hokanson, S.C., Ogden, E.L., Golan-Goldhirsh, A., and Galletta, G.J. 2001. A comparison of genetic relationship measures in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) based on AFLPs, RAPDs, and pedigree data. Euphytica 117:1-12. 

43. Golan-Goldhirsh, A., Jones, R., and Rowland, L.J. 2001. AFLP markers for sex determination in an Ilex species. Acta Hort. 546:591-596. 

44. Panta, G.R., Rieger, M.W., and Rowland, L.J. 2001. Effect of cold and drought stress on blueberry dehydrin accumulation. J. Hort. Sci. & Biotech. 76:549-556. 

45. Parmentier-Line, C.M., Panta, G.R., and Rowland, L.J. 2002. Changes in dehydrin expression associated with cold, ABA and PEG treatments in blueberry cell cultures. Plant Science 162:273-282. 

46. Rowland, L.J., Mehra, S., Dhanaraj, A., Ogden, E.L., and Arora, R. 2003. Identification of markers associated with cold tolerance in blueberry. Acta Hort. 625:59-69. 

47. Ehlenfeldt, M.K., Rowland, L.J., and Arora, R. 2003. Bud hardiness and deacclimation in blueberry cultivars with varying species ancestry: flowering time may not be a good indicator of deacclimation. Acta Hort. 626:39-44.

48. Rowland, L.J., Mehra, S., Dhanaraj, A.L., Ogden, E.L., Slovin, J.P., and Ehlenfeldt, M.K. 2003. Development of EST-PCR markers for DNA fingerprinting and genetic relationship studies in blueberry (Vaccinium, section Cyanococcus). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 128:682-690.

49. Arora, R., Rowland, L.J., and Tanino, K. 2003. Induction and release of bud dormancy in woody perennials: a science comes of age. HortScience 38:911-921.

50. Rowland, L.J., Dhanaraj, A.L., Polashock, J.J., and Arora, R. 2003. Utility of blueberry-derived EST-PCR primers in related Ericaceae species. HortScience 38:1428-1432. 

51. Rowland, L.J., Panta, G.R., Mehra, S., and Parmentier-Line, C. 2004. Molecular genetic and physiological analysis of the cold-responsive dehydrins of blueberry. J. Crop Improvement 10:53-76. 

52. Panta, G.R., Rowland, L.J., Arora, R., Ogden, E.L., and Lim, C-C. 2004. Inheritance of cold hardiness and dehydrin genes in diploid mapping populations of blueberry. J. Crop Improvement 10:37-52. 

53. Dhanaraj, A.L., Slovin J.P., and Rowland, L.J. 2004. Analysis of gene expression associated with cold acclimation in blueberry floral buds using expressed sequence tags. Plant Science 166:863-872.

54. Arora, R., Rowland, L.J., Ogden, E.L., Dhanaraj, A.L., Marian, C.O., Ehlenfeldt, M.K., and Vinyard, B. 2004. Dehardening kinetics, bud development, and dehydrin metabolism in blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) cultivars during deacclimation at constant, warm temperatures. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129:667-674.

55. Golan-Goldhirsh, A., Barazani, O., Wang, Z.S., Khadka, D.K., Saunders, J.A., Kostiukovsky, V., and Rowland, L.J. 2004. Molecular characterization of Mediterranean Pistacia germplasm by RAPD and AFLP markers. Plant Systematic and Evolution 246: 9-18.

56. Rowland, L.J. and Hammerschlag, F.A. 2005. Vaccinium spp. Blueberry. pp 222-246. In Litz, R.E. (ed.). Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA. 

57. Wei, H., Dhanaraj, A.L., Rowland, L.J., Fu, Y., Krebs, S.L., and Arora, R. 2005. Comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags from cold acclimated and non-acclimated leaves of Rhododendron catawbiense Michx. Planta 221:406-416.

58. Yakubov, B., Barazani, O., Shachack, A., Rowland, L.J., Shoseyov, O., and Golan-Goldhirsh, A. 2005. Characterization of a dehydrin from Pistachia vera L. Trees-Structure and Function 19:224-230.

59. Dhanaraj, A.L., Slovin, J.P., and Rowland, L.J. 2005. Isolation of a cDNA clone and characterization of expression of the highly abundant, cold acclimation-associated 14 kDa dehydrin of blueberry. Plant Science 168:949-957.

60. Rowland, L.J., Ogden, E.L., Ehlenfeldt, M.K., and Vinyard, B. 2005. Rate of deacclimation and its relationship to stage of bud opening in 12 blueberry genotypes under field conditions. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 130:508-514.

61. Boches, P.S., Bassil, N.V., Hummer, K., and Rowland, L.J. EST and genomic microsatellite markers for Vaccinium. Molecular Ecology Notes, in press.

62. Boches, P.S., Bassil, N.V., Hummer, K., and Rowland, L.J. Cross-species amplification of SSRs in the genus Vaccinium. Acta Hort., in press.

63. Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and Rowland, L.J. Cold-hardiness of Vaccinium ashei and V. constablaei germplasm and the potential for northern-adapted rabbiteye cultivars. Acta Hort., in press.