Sample Details

SampleName Label Interpretation Total_number_of_reads Trimmed_reads Trimmed_percentage Processed_reads_percentage Total_Processed_reads Assembled_Used_reads Assembled_percentage Unassembled Unassembled_percentage Notes Details
Sample1 control control for all, not used for infestion, rep1 42421074 1054690 2.490000009536743 97.51000213623047 41366384 29614682 71.59117889404297 11751702 28.40882110595703 control-SBRM never placed on any plant control Details |
Sample10 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 24 hr, rep1 46456422 1089848 2.3499999046325684 97.6500015258789 45366574 32685868 72.04834747314453 12680706 27.951650619506836 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample11 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 24 hr, rep2 40172614 1005708 2.5 97.5 39166906 27856471 71.12246704101562 11310435 28.87752914428711 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample12 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 24 hr, rep3 40782428 1079220 2.6500000953674316 97.3499984741211 39703208 28549398 71.90702819824219 11153810 28.09296989440918 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample13 L19 insect infested on L19 for 24 hr, rep1 39586336 1058876 2.6700000762939453 97.33000183105469 38527460 27743031 72.00846099853516 10784429 27.991539001464844 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample14 L19 insect infested on L19 for 24 hr, rep2 40574396 1210756 2.9800000190734863 97.0199966430664 39363640 28339559 71.99425506591797 11024081 28.005746841430664 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample15 L19 insect infested on L19 for 24 hr, rep3 47555380 1235756 2.5999999046325684 97.4000015258789 46319624 33639849 72.62548065185547 12679775 27.374521255493164 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample16 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 48 hr, rep1 42717182 1167394 2.7300000190734863 97.2699966430664 41549788 28818653 69.35932922363281 12731135 30.640674591064453 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample17 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 48 hr, rep2 41951022 1208998 2.880000114440918 97.12000274658203 40742024 28661525 70.34880065917969 12080499 29.651199340820312 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample18 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 48 hr, rep3 46371652 1151868 2.4800000190734863 97.5199966430664 45219784 32076880 70.93550109863281 13142904 29.064498901367188 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample19 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 48 hr, rep1 40057680 1093502 2.7300000190734863 97.2699966430664 38964178 27309685 70.0892105102539 11654493 29.910789489746094 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample2 control control for all, not used for infestion, rep2 46884932 1154482 2.4600000381469727 97.54000091552734 45730450 32709379 71.52647399902344 13021071 28.47352409362793 control-SBRM never placed on any plant control Details |
Sample20 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 48 hr, rep2 41665218 1222882 2.940000057220459 97.05999755859375 40442336 29203809 72.21098327636719 11238527 27.78901481628418 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample21 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 48 hr, rep3 40731910 1165146 2.859999895095825 97.13999938964844 39566764 29027903 73.3643569946289 10538861 26.63564109802246 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample22 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 48 hr, rep1 43542022 1224690 2.809999942779541 97.19000244140625 42317332 30013792 70.92552947998047 12303540 29.07447052001953 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample23 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 48 hr, rep2 44553892 1146580 2.569999933242798 97.43000030517578 43407312 30678669 70.67626953125 12728643 29.32373046875 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample24 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 48 hr, rep3 43825164 1225008 2.799999952316284 97.19999694824219 42600156 29429372 69.08277893066406 13170784 30.917219161987305 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample25 L19 insect infested on L19 for 48 hr, rep1 42288474 1159152 2.740000009536743 97.26000213623047 41129322 29218917 71.04157257080078 11910405 28.95842742919922 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample26 L19 insect infested on L19 for 48 hr, rep2 39426766 837670 2.119999885559082 97.87999725341797 38589096 27004810 69.98041534423828 11584286 30.01958465576172 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample27 L19 insect infested on L19 for 48 hr, rep3 42727142 1096826 2.569999933242798 97.43000030517578 41630316 29920707 71.87239837646484 11709609 28.127599716186523 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample28 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 72 hr, rep1 44364856 1253132 2.819999933242798 97.18000030517578 43111724 29379202 68.14666748046875 13732522 31.853334426879883 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample29 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 72 hr, rep2 42328746 1126766 2.6600000858306885 97.33999633789062 41201980 28859219 70.04328155517578 12342761 29.95671844482422 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample3 control control for all, not used for infestion, rep3 39761566 1007962 2.5399999618530273 97.45999908447266 38753604 27516689 71.00420379638672 11236915 28.99579429626465 control-SBRM never placed on any plant control Details |
Sample30 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 72 hr, rep3 40247488 1085198 2.700000047683716 97.30000305175781 39162290 27308993 69.73287963867188 11853297 30.267118453979492 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample31 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 72 hr, rep1 41297996 983366 2.380000114440918 97.62000274658203 40314630 28519330 70.74188995361328 11795300 29.258113861083984 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample32 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 72 hr, rep2 43703330 1125076 2.569999933242798 97.43000030517578 42578254 29420002 69.09630584716797 13158252 30.903690338134766 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample33 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 72 hr, rep3 43442422 1001982 2.309999942779541 97.69000244140625 42440440 28561396 67.29759979248047 13879044 32.7024040222168 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample34 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 72 hr, rep1 45388414 1099854 2.4200000762939453 97.58000183105469 44288560 29460791 66.52009582519531 14827769 33.47990798950195 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample35 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 72 hr, rep2 45287550 718377 1.590000033378601 98.41000366210938 44569173 29849449 66.97330474853516 14719724 33.02669143676758 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample36 F1010 insect infested on F1010 for 72 hr, rep3 39736642 615973 1.5499999523162842 98.44999694824219 39120669 25883749 66.16387176513672 13236920 33.83612823486328 SBRM grew on the susceptible F1010 plant susceptible-genotype 1 Details |
Sample37 L19 insect infested on L19 for 72 hr, rep1 41715296 1033874 2.4800000190734863 97.5199966430664 40681422 28238881 69.41468811035156 12442541 30.585315704345703 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample38 L19 insect infested on L19 for 72 hr, rep2 42973052 1053972 2.450000047683716 97.55000305175781 41919080 28609391 68.24909210205078 13309689 31.75090980529785 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample39 L19 insect infested on L19 for 72 hr, rep3 39568160 1008794 2.549999952316284 97.44999694824219 38559366 27700699 71.83909606933594 10858667 28.160905838012695 SBRM grew on the susceptible L19 plant susceptible-genotype 2 Details |
Sample4 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 24 hr, rep1 46204066 1261434 2.7300000190734863 97.2699966430664 44942632 32898251 73.20054626464844 12044381 26.799455642700195 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample5 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 24 hr, rep2 44812592 1072058 2.390000104904175 97.61000061035156 43740534 31705744 72.48595428466797 12034790 27.5140438079834 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample6 F1024 insect infested on F1024 for 24 hr, rep3 42834982 1256002 2.930000066757202 97.06999969482422 41578980 29385047 70.67284393310547 12193933 29.327157974243164 SBRM grew on the resistant F1024 plant resistant-genotype 1 Details |
Sample7 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 24 hr, rep1 44158084 1251206 2.8299999237060547 97.16999816894531 42906878 30892119 71.99805450439453 12014759 28.001941680908203 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample8 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 24 hr, rep2 46822948 1189918 2.5399999618530273 97.45999908447266 45633030 33527362 73.47169494628906 12105668 26.528301239013672 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |
Sample9 F1016 insect infested on F1016 for 24 hr, rep3 38681714 734694 1.899999976158142 98.0999984741211 37947020 27188332 71.64813232421875 10758688 28.351865768432617 SBRM grew on the resistant F1016 plant resistant-genotype 2 Details |