Sample Details

This page provides an explanation of the samples used in the research, focusing on gene expression analysis in T. myopaeformis, a pest that infects sugar beet plants. A total of 39 samples were obtained from frozen T. myopaeformis maggots. T. myopaeformis root infestation was done on B. vulgaris F1016 (PI 608437) and F1024 (PI 658654) resistant, and F1010 (PI 535818) and L19 (PI 590690) susceptible genotypes. The infestation experiment included three replications for each genotype with three plants infested in each replication. Insect samples were collected at 0 hours post infestation (hpi) (right before infestation), and subsequently at 24, 48, and 72 hpi. These samples were collected to examine how the pest’s gene expression changes as it feeds on susceptible or resistant sugar beet plants over time. The study aims to identify differentially expressed genes in T. myopaeformis, focusing on how it responds to the resistant genotypes at the molecular level compared to susceptible ones. This research provides insights into the T. myopaeformis genetic responses during its infection of sugar beet, potentially contributing to the development of more resistant sugar beet varieties in the future.

Samples Courtesy:
Dr. Chenggen Chu, USDA-ARS-NA, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, 1307 N 18TH ST, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND 58102, USA

Dr. Muhammad Massub Tehseen, USDA-ARS-NA, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, 1307 N 18TH ST, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND 58102, USA and Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102, USA